Friday, September 3, 2010


What's up Astronauts? It's been a while since i've actually poured out my mind because i've been busy with school and some other stuff but TGIF, time to cut my mind and let my thoughts bleed.
      First of all, i hate wasting time to do anything, anything at all because TIME is very important to me, i guess i was brought up that way but sometimes we just have to let things fall in place.Like this post lol. OK, straight to the point,  When we see something we want or we really like how do we know when we are moving too fast or too slow, obviously our normal senses are clouded by other feelings, other emotions.

The first rule of driving anywhere in the world is
 "do not drive faster or slower than the speed of traffic"
Same thing works in life too.

         Well the car is me, and you know the rest. lol. So.... I like this girl right, and when i say girl i mean woman, cuz she's grown, and when i say grown i dont mean old lol don't get it wrong. It's been a while i've liked someone like this, i'm not saying there's a chance it'll work or anything but everything i do feels right but i feel like i'm doing it wrong, ok not everything but.... you get it? right?

About her? wow! well.. She's matured, cute,pretty,sexy, "She's got service road curves and highway eyes, I love her voice, i think i like her. I really do.

First of all, I'm not really sure how she feels about me tho, second even if she might like me and i tell her i  like her, like i really do, she might have a different view and then everything gets complicated. We chat a lot, and when she's offline I miss her a lot. It might sound weird but i really do miss her. Every time i send her a message i can't wait for a reply, I'll be on there, refreshing the page till she replies. LOL. Crazy but true. Every-time I'm online i wona hit her up and i do cuz i don't wona be slow but...

Am i moving too fast?
does it even matter? if it's gona be it's gona be right?
(not like there's a chance. i wish there was a chance tho)

But what do you think ?



Anonymous said...

ask her if she likes you. you'll never know.

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